Just because those little blue and white boxes of cornbread mix are cheap and look convenient, don’t be duped into thinking that they are a good choice! Flip over that little time-bomb and see the ingredient list! Yikes!
You can make your own Make-Ahead Cornbread mix and keep it in your freezer, ready to add the same three ingredients that your cheap-o junk box calls for at a fraction of the cost and 100% the same convenience and speed. Here’s how:
Makes 8-9 servings
List of Dry Ingredients:
- ¾ C Freshly Milled Corn Meal
- ¾ C Freshly Milled Hard White Wheat Flour
- ½ tsp Salt
- 2 tsp baking powder
- ¼ C Dry Milk
- up to 1/4 C sugar/succanat (we like ours sweet)
List of Wet Ingredients:
- 3 TBS butter
- ¾ C water
- 1 egg
Mix all the dry ingredients into a bag and label with the remaining ingredients needed to make this corn bread. Store in the freezer for up to 6 months.
When you are ready to bake…
Preheat oven to 425 with 3 TBS butter in a 10-12 inch iron skillet or 8×8 Pyrex dish inside oven.
You will need to watch this and move fast….
Pour your bag of Make-Ahead Cornbread Mix in a medium bowl and make a ‘well’ in the middle of dry mix
In another bowl or a 2 cup pyrex measuring cup mix:
3/4 C water
1 egg
Pour liquid into the well made in the dry bowl BEFORE YOU STIR TOGETHER – take the pan out of the oven and pour most of the melted butter into the egg/water mix. Be sure to leave enough butter in the pan to keep it well coated.
Mix all ingredients until just blended (still a little lumpy) and then quickly pour into hot buttered pan.
Replace in oven on middle rack for about 20-25 minutes.
Slice within the pan and serve with butter, honey or molasses.
Other Variations:
- Add one can of drained corn or 1C frozen
- Add diced jalapenos, tomatoes, corn and/or onions for a Mexican Cornbread.
Donna Miller is a teacher, author, sought-after speaker and trainer. She has been a both guest and host on internet and broadcast radio talk-shows and in television interviews.
She is the hostess of “Your Preparation Station” on Preparedness Radio Network. She and her husband are the Organizers of WNC Preparedness Group in Asheville, NC. She is an Adjunct Instructor for Frontier Christian University. She teaches local classes & ladies retreats for people to learn hands skills.
She and her husband are the founders of Millers Grain House and, Your Preparation Station and are on the board of PREPARE Magazine.
Joseph and Donna have been happily married for 27 years and have three adult children, and one daughter in-law.
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