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Tag Archives: sourdough
Whole Wheat Bread Machine Sourdough Bread

I’m going to admit a weakness that I’ve likely shared on this before: I have struggled with making Sourdough Bread. But I’m happy to now say, the reports of my utter failures have been greatly exaggerated. 🙂 I have now … Continue reading
Whole Wheat “Beer” Bread

I’ve never done well with sour dough. Not sure why. So I’ve always experimented with ways to give simple loaf bread more depth of flavor. Just like the Buttermilk Bread & Potato Bread (previous posts of mine here) I tried … Continue reading
Super Simple Sourdough Bread

Bread-baking is a complicated process, and sourdough bread baking is even more so. At least at first glance. When I was first married, I actually tried getting a sourdough starter going twice, and completely gave up because I had absolutely … Continue reading
Sourdough Spelt Sugar Cookies

Sourdough. Spelt. Sugar Cookies? Yes, I admit it. That series of words doesn’t seem to work together very well. But I promise these will be the best sugar cookies you’ve ever had. The. Best. I actually don’t like sugar cookies, … Continue reading