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Tag Archives: pudding
Whole Wheat Boston Cream Cupcakes

Seriously? Is that possible? Yes indeed! A whole wheat cake mix is easy and tasty so why not enjoy both your cake and be able to eat it too! Since the other day was National Boston Cream Pie day (which … Continue reading
Posted in Recipes
Tagged boston cream pie, cake, chocolate, cupcake, dessert, frosting, pudding, recipe, whole wheat, wondermill
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Indian Corn Pudding

Well, yes this is partially due to my heritage and partially due to the fact that June 27 was/is National Indian Pudding Day. (: For daily updates of what food holidays there are (every single day of the year) please … Continue reading
Posted in Recipes
Tagged corn, corn meal, cornmeal, crock pot, easy, holiday, indian, native american, pudding, recipe, thanksgiving, wondermill