Yesterday I had the joy of going to lunch with our middle child, our first daughter, who asked me for a Mama/Daughter date at a downtown (earthy) restaurant which served locally grown food. The two of us are the hippies in the family so we thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon!
However, the meal that I chose was on a flour tortilla. Not even a whole wheat one. The interior ingredients were fresh and tasty, but the tortilla left much to be desired. It was in short a semi-edible napkin. It reminded me why we make our own tortillas in the Miller household.
It’s easy. And like with everything I enjoy making if you want variety – just play with your food!
Makes 8-12 servings
Dry Grains you need to mill:
- 1.5 Cups Hard Wheat (Red or White), you may wish to use 3/4 hard and 3/4 soft wheat
Items Needed:
- Griddle, Large Sauce Pan or Electric Tortilla press
- Rolling pin (unless you have a Tortilla press)
- Plastic Wrap
List of Ingredients:
- 1 Cup Warm Water (you may not use it all)
- 1/4 Cup Olive Oil
- 1 tsp Salt
- 1/4 tsp Baking Powder
- 2.5 Cups Freshly Milled Flour
First mix all dry ingredients in a medium bowl using fork or wire whisk to combine. Then drizzle the oil over top whisking in to mix. When mixture is well combined and slightly crumb looking set whisk aside.
Now slowly mix in warm water by drizzling in from down the side of the bowl while mixing with a spoon/spatula. Combine enough water until mixture is moister than a yeast bread but drier than a muffin mix. When it pulls from the side of the bowl while mixing it should be ready. Turn onto plastic wrap and seal. Place in fridge for 10 -30 minutes.
Remove and divide into even size dough balls. Slightly flatten to hockey puck shape. Starting from the fist one you shaped/handled….work your way through them in this order (odd yes, but the extra ‘sit’ time helps them form).
Use Tortilla press if you have it per manufacturer instructions. If not, roll out while griddle or sauce pan are own med-low heat. When we roll these out we call them “American State Tortillas” – because some look like SC, or VA, some like CA… but they all taste and wrap great!
As each one is thin to your liking, flip onto a lightly greased griddle or sauce pan for a minute to two per side. You can get pretty good at this as you flip one roll another, remove and replace. You’ll have 8-12 of these done in no time.
Store with a half of a paper towel between each in a zip lock bag for up to two weeks in the fridge.
Bonus Idea: Add a couple Tbs of EcoSweet Evaporated Cane Sugar and a dash or two of cinnamon to the dry mix. Sweet Tortillas to roll up fruits and cream cheese for a quick dessert or breakfast.
Donna Miller is a teacher, author, sought-after speaker and trainer. She has been a both guest and host on internet and broadcast radio talk-shows and in television interviews.
She is the hostess of “Your Preparation Station” on Preparedness Radio Network. She and her husband are the Organizers of WNC Preparedness Group in Asheville, NC. She is an Adjunct Instructor for Frontier Christian University. She teaches local classes & ladies retreats for people to learn hands skills.
She and her husband are the founders of Millers Grain House and, Your Preparation Station and are on the board of PREPARE Magazine.
Joseph and Donna have been happily married for 27 years and have three adult children, and one daughter in-law.
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